We ensure your students have every advantage they need to secure a rewarding graduate job.

Our mock assessment centres, online services and practical employability workshops give students the opportunity to experience navigating through graduate recruitment processes and exercises in a positive environment, building their confidence and know-how and fully preparing them for real-world scenarios. Our work will give your students an edge over their peers, improve your graduate outcomes and positively impact your TEF rating.


We have recognition from the Institute of Student Employers and the CIPD, and have a business psychologist on our team to validate materials and ensure they prioritise student wellbeing throughout the whole process.

Our personal touch is what makes universities return to us year after year, and has seen over 30,000 students attend our assessment days.

Here’s what we can do for you as a university:


Assessment centre simulations

Our flagship offering to universities. We’ve hosted events for the University of Liverpool, Northumbria University, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Leeds. Our assessment simulations are proven to double the level of confidence your students have in their future prospects. 99% of attendees would recommend our assessment centres to other students.

Employability module design

We can provide you with materials to hold your own employability modules as part of the curriculum.

Careers service support

We can coach and audit your careers service and offer a health check which will ensure it is providing the best quality of support possible. We can also provide your careers service with fully trained and experienced temporary staff to cover short to medium term vacancies.

Widening participation

Our widening participation assessment simulation offers additional support through one-to-one feedback and coaching, with the option for students to gain an AQA level 3 in employability skills.

Learn more about what we can do to help your students