Stand Out in a Group Exercise

Group exercises are designed by employers to put you in the driving seat; they are commonly used at assessment centres to help the recruiter predict how a candidate might perform in the workplace and how they work as part of a team. The aim of the exercise is to simulate a ‘day in the life’ of the job holder. You will be asked to review and discuss some information in your group, before presenting your conclusions back to the assessor.

Skills tested include working with others, communication, influencing and problem solving.

Top tips for the group exercise

Focus on teamwork
Although you want to stand out as an individual, remember this area of the assessment centre is a group exercise. It is about collaboration and working as a team to face a challenge, so hold your own voice but listen carefully and respond thoughtfully to your group. If there is a member of the team who is reserved, encourage them to share their ideas.
TOP TIP: Get the balance right - don't be overbearing and talk over your team members, but definitely don't sit quietly in the background either.

Keep an eye on the time available
To be successful in the group exercise you must manage your time well. You will have limited time to digest, prioritise and present the information to the assessor. Remember - don't panic! The assessor is interested in how you prioritise information, organise your time and interact with others.
TOP TIP: Wear a watch or make sure a wall clock is in easy view so you can keep track of the time available. Appoint one member of the group to be the timekeeper for the task.

Read through the information carefully
Don't be tempted to rush in and skim over the dossier of information. You need to build your foundations first, and you can only do this by taking some time to read everything and make sure you understand what you have been presented with.
TOP TIP: Split your allocated time into sections. Spend time understanding the task and reading all of the information you are given.

Make notes as you go
Jot down any ideas that come to your mind while you are reading through the information, as this can help you get your points across in the group discussion and organise conclusions to present back to the assessor.
TOP TIP: Appoint or offer to be the note taker for the group.

Be clear and confident in the actions you decide on
When you present back to your assessor, convey the information in a logical and coherent format. You have made these decisions as if you were in the role, so keep the same confidence when you explain your actions to the assessor. Some of the time you are given for the task should be spent deciding in your group who will present which conclusions, so you don't end up talking over each other when presenting back to the assessor.
TOP TIP: Trust your convictions and present in an assured manner.